Dudukhouse Answers: Understanding Duduk Sheet Music & Transposition

Customer Question: 

Hello, I've bought Komitas Songs and I like it very much. However, I have a question about it: is it written for duduk in C or duduk in A?

Dudukhouse Answers:

Many beginner duduk players often find themselves confused about how duduk sheet music is written and how it sounds when played. This confusion typically arises from the transposition of the music, which is essential for understanding how to play the correct notes on your instrument. In this article, we will clarify the concept of transposition and how it applies to duduk sheet music, focusing on the difference between C and A instruments.

What is Transposition in Duduk Music?

Transposition refers to the practice of writing music in a different key than it is actually played. For instance, when sheet music for the duduk is written, it is often transposed to accommodate the instrument's range and tuning. This means that the notes written on the sheet music may not directly correspond to the notes you hear when the music is played.

Duduk in C vs. Duduk in A

Duduk in C: This refers to the duduk that is tuned to the key of C. When you see sheet music written for a duduk in C, it is transposed so that the notes correspond directly to the pitch you will hear when playing the instrument. This makes it straightforward for players familiar with other C-tuned instruments.

Dudukhouse Transposition

Duduk in A: The duduk in A is tuned a minor third lower than the duduk in C. This means that when you play a note written as C on the sheet music for a duduk in A, it actually sounds a minor third lower, or an A note. In majority of cases, you will find that sheet music written for a duduk in A is written transposed a minor third higher to make reading easier.

Why is Sheet Music Transposed?

The transposition of sheet music for duduk is done to make it easier for musicians to read and play the music in a way that fits the instrument's natural tuning and range. It simplifies the process of playing in different keys and allows for consistency across various pieces of music, regardless of the specific duduk tuning. Many Armenian composers and duduk players, such as Khachatur Avetisyan, Georgy Minasov, and Gevorg Dabaghyan, have their sheet music written in this transposed format to facilitate easier reading and playing.

Practical Tips for Duduk Players

  • Identify Your Duduk's Key: Before playing, make sure you know whether your duduk is in C, D, G, F or A, as this will affect how the music will sound when you play.
  • Transpose Accordingly: If you have sheet music written in a concert pitch, you might need to ask the composer to transpose it for you in the key of C for easier reading. 
  • Use Reference Materials: Look for specific resources (for example download our free Duduk Transposition Chart) or guides on how to interpret transposed music for your duduk key.


Understanding how duduk sheet music is transposed is crucial for any player, especially beginners. By recognizing the differences between the way the music is written and sounds, you can better interpret the music and improve your sight reading and playing experience. If you have any further questions or need additional help with your duduk music feel free to reach out to Dudukhouse for guidance, because Dudukhouse Answers.